
Dr. Paul Enenche

Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche is a trained Medical Doctor, called of God into full time ministry, with a heavy Apostolic and Prophetic mantle for the restoration of human lives and dignities. His ministrations are characterized by deep undiluted insights from the Word of God, accurate Word of Knowledge and the demonstration of the power of God in Supernatural healings, miracles, signs and wonders. His ministry is geared towards causing our generation to:

• Experience God’s Person and Presence in our lives

• Realize our true purpose for existence,

• Comprehend our full potential in life,

• Discover God’s life-changing and life-lifting principles,

• Connect with God’s power to overcome the negative forces of life and above all, to end our journey with God in eternity in Heaven and to escape the torments of hell.


He is the Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, with the headquarters situated at the Lord’s Garden, along the airport road, Abuja, NIGERIA. They currently a mega service every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning, among other services. His passion is to see that the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. As a result, his ministry is involved in aggressive spread of the Gospel via every possible media— the Commission’s Television Station— Dunamis TV, their 24/7 Web-TV and Web-Radio broadcast as well as campus revival meetings, crusades and aggressive church plantings.

He is married to Dr Becky, a beautiful, intelligent, submissive, supportive and hardworking Medical Doctor, also called of God into full time ministry. And together, they have four blessed children.


 Dr Paul Enenche is also the author of many destiny-defining and life-transforming books, some of which include:

• 21 Foolish Things People Do

• Who are You?

• 15 Kingdom Strategies for Survival

• 21 Uncommon Keys to Financial Overflow

• Thou Art My Battle Axe

• 30 Secrets to the Top

• Reason For Living

• 10 Principal Secrets of Principal people

• 22 Laws of Life (volume 1)

• Making Full Proof of Ministry

• Go in This Thy Might

• 22 Laws of Life (Volume 2)

• Career and Workplace wisdom

• Protocol Suspended

• Access to All possibilities 

• Be Wise and Rise

• The Story of the Glory

• Principles and Power of Prayer

• Family Wisdom

• Riding the Storms of Life

• Unveiling and Dissolving Mysteries

• Eighteen Wisdom Keys from the Life of Joseph

• In His Presence Hymns and Songs (Vol.1)

• The Essence of Christianity

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Dunamis Home Church (DHC)

The idea here is to create a platform where we can connect on a Home Church level. You can also locate the closest home church near you.

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.
Acts 5:42


  1. It imparts divine order and glory in our lives. (Acts 2:46-47)

  2. It's a covenant ark of safety for the people of God. A company to run to, for succor in times of challenge or confrontation (Acts 14:19-20).

  3. It enhances spiritual responsibility, accountability and stability to prevent backsliding and compromise (Gal. 6:1).

  4. It is an avenue for meeting the practical, physical, emotional and welfare needs of God's people (Gal.6:2).

  5. It is the avenue for spiritual growth both in insight and leadership capacity

  6. It provides the platform to be involved in soul winning (John 15:16).

  7. Active involvement in the home church gives ample opportunity for contributing to the growth and expansion of God's kingdom on earth (John 15:2).

  8. Prayer of agreement in the home church produces power. God respects the prayer from the group of two or three (Matt 18:19).

  9. It is an avenue for the development of profitable relationships, friendships and fellowships for positive and profitable life and destiny (Acts 20:20).

  10. It enables you become part of God's revival to saturate the world with the glory of the Lord as the waters covers the sea which is the number 1 vision and passion of God (Num 14:21).

Get involved Now!!!